The Pill – part 2

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The Pill – part 2This is the second chapter in the story of my adventures in London, on the day when I took a small pink pill and my face and body transformed into that of a beautiful young woman. However, I knew that I only had 24 hours before the effects wore off and so determined not to miss any opportunity as I had a day of sexual adventures, some planned, some on the spur of the moment.The story so far: I had started my day in the back of a van, in a multi-storey car park, choosing the outfits I would wear during the day, and discovering the wonders of my new female body…========================================Leaving the safety of my van behind, I practiced walking like a woman across the multi-storey car park to the lifts. I had practiced walking like a woman in front of a mirror over the last few months, and had even watched myself on video a few times. It was much easier now I had the body of a woman – and a very gorgeous one at that – thanks to that small pink pill.I pressed the button for the lift, and doors immediately opened on my right, with a grinding sound. Walking through the door, I was face to face with a full-length mirror. I almost stopped walking, at the wonderful sight – this was a much larger mirror than in my van and in the bright light of the lift I could see every detail. I was HOT!I was busy admiring myself when I heard the sound of a disapproving tutting. In some embarrassment I only then noticed the short, elderly, black lady glaring at my preening. Shaking her head dismissively she punched a stubby finger at the lift button marked “G” and the doors ground shut. I smiled apologetically, but she turned away. I realised that she had probably never been as beautiful and sexy as I was now. She was jealous. I smiled to myself – if only she knew!We reached the level for the shopping precinct and the doors ground open. With a winning smile at her, I flounced out, putting everything into my walk. Heels clicking, I walked purposefully through the mostly-empty shopping centre, swinging my hips and being as sexy as I could. I smiled at the startled, drab early shoppers. One elderly man, long beige raincoat, out shopping with his wife, stared open mouthed at me. I smiled and blew him a kiss from my red, lipstick-coated mouth and saw him go red and beam sheepishly at me. His wife looked confusedly at him, then following his gaze caught me winking and turned back furiously to bundle him away. I laughed and carried on my way. One guy walking the other way was staring so intensely that he walked into the edge of an empty stall. It seemed to catch him in a very painful place. I nearly offered to rub it better – but maybe not!Leaving the shopping centre, I joined a small group of people on the pavement waiting at a pedestrian crossing. In my peripheral vision I saw a middle age man move closer to me. As the lights changed for is, and the group of people started to move, I felt his hand in the small of my back: “After you, my dear.” As I moved forward, I was surprised to feel his hand slide down my back and pat my arse. Dirty old sod!I walked up the hill to the station, feeling eyes watching me, went through the barrier and just made it on to the packed commuter train. I moved along the aisle between the packed seats. A young man, quite good looking had been watching me approach. He hitched a winning smile onto his face, stood up and in a deep voice, offered me his seat. I had been getting this train for years as a man and nobody had ever stood up for me. I carefully rubbed my pert bottom across his crotch as we squeezed past each other and felt his semi hard cock press against me. I let my hand trail across it too. I smiled and his pleasantly shocked expression, got to the seat and sat down, but I sat as a man would, and my tight black skirt and heels restricted me so I landed in a heap on the seat gaziantep escort rather than a graceful ladylike descent. The woman next to me huffed and I turned to apologise to her, feeling a bit flustered. When I faced forwards again, opposite me was a florid, bearded man, with bad glasses. He appeared to be in some consternation. I saw him look at my face, gulp then look downwards at my body. I suddenly realised I was sitting like a man too, with my legs apart . My short skirt had ridden up and the guy was getting a good eyeful of my stocking tops, my smooth thighs and, above them, my black, lace thong. I put my hands on the insides of my thighs and moved them up my legs. His eyes bulged, his face went even redder and his mouth hung open and he was actually starting to dribble. I began to worry for his health – I might give him a heart-attack soon, so I closed my legs trapping my hands in between my thighs. I turned my legs sideways a bit and smoothed down my skirt. The show was over for him.I became aware of a man’s crotch, just next to my left shoulder. Looking in the glass panel behind the florid perv opposite me, I could see it was the gallant young man who had given up his seat. He had a phone in his hand, but wasn’t typing on it. He seemed to be holding it at a slightly strange angle above me. As the train jolted around a corner he was bounced forward and he was pressed against my shoulder briefly. I could feel his cock hard against my bare shoulder, which the thin material of my white blouse did not cover. Thin material. Low and tightly buttoned. I suddenly realised what was making him hard, and what he was doing with his phone – he was enjoying a down blouse experience!I decided he deserved an extra treat for his earlier kindness and, shutting my eyes rested my head back against the seat, giving him even more of an even better view to film on his phone. I almost supposed I could feel the heat from him a few inches from my left cheek. It was hot on the train and I had to sue press a giggle as I thought of another treat for him. I fanned my face with my hand. Eyes almost shut – as my head was still back, I could just see his phone, with its small camera poised just above me. Keeping the look of being too hot, I fanned my face with my hand and then, taking my blouse just above the button , pulled it away from me, as if to let the air circulate, but actually giving the young man an unrestricted view straight down my blouse to my barely fettered tits. I wafted the blouse back and forth for a bit. I felt him shift slightly, maybe to get the best angle. My eyes snapped open. I was looking straight up into his camera. I winked and smiled, to show I knew exactly what was going on. I moved my shoulder slightly against his cock and felt him give a small shudder. I could smell a salty, slightly sweet smell. Had he actually just cum in his pants at the view of my tits. Surely not. I kept my head back and he filmed for another minute or so, before putting his phone safely away. A few minutes later we reached London Bridge station. I stood up – a lot more ladylike than when I had arrived. To pretend to steady myself, I held onto the back of my chair; my hand a mere couple of inches from Mr Cameraphone’s straining bulge. As I moved round behind him, I let my hand trail across that bulge, giving his cock a little squeeze through the material of his trousers before I let go.”Thanks for the seat. I hope you enjoyed the view” , I whispered huskily. In his ear. He jumped out of his skin and made to turn, but I was already edging between people in a bid to get off the train and into fresh air.I walked down the platform, remembering to apply my sexy walk, through the ticket barrier, throwing a winning smile to the guard – much to his obvious pleasure- and headed down the escalator gaziantep escort bayan to the underground. I normally walked down on the left, but remembered my heels – low as they were – and stood on the right. I enjoyed the stares of the men (and some women) who were coming towards me on the up escalator. One enterprising young man, who had a bouquet of flowers in his hand, plucked a flower from the bouquet and passed it across to me with a flourish. I laughed genuinely and loudly as I took it. Thank you, I called to his disappearing shape.The platform was crowded, as was the train, when one arrived a few minutes later, with the morning commuters as they headed off on the last leg of their journeys to offices in the metropolis. We all crammed together, doing our best to avoid eye contact, as is the London commuter’s way. But it was almost impossible to avoid touching people. At the next station, as even more people got on we were pushed together. A, tall attractive man was next to me. I turned a quarter turn, so that I had my back to him. As the tube train lurched, he was pressed against my back and bottom. I could feel him behind me. I gently pressed my arse back into his crotch. He didn’t back away. I moved gently against him, with an action that could be passed off as the motion of the train. After a short while, I was rewarded by feeling him start to harden – his cock pressed between the cheeks of my rather delicious arse. Doing this, with a complete stranger, on a packed train and with so many people pressed around me was making me feel very turned on. I could feel my heat deep inside me. I was beginning to breathe harder as I worked my arse more and more. He was rock hard now and pressed against me. I could hear his breathing too, just behind me.Suddenly the train jolted to a stop and the lights flickered, as they do. I made my decision instantly and turned to face him. I looked up into his handsome, if surprised face. I slipped one hand between us and the other high on his shoulder, fingers round the back of his neck. Deftly I unzipped his fly and saw his eyes widen in shock. I smiled at him and winked as I reached in to his suit trousers. He was wearing boxers with a button fly. I undid the buttons and pushed my fingers through them and wrapped them round his shaft. I pulled it out. I saw the panic in his eyes and he looked from side to side at the other passengers, then back to me. “Undo your jacket” I whispered, and he did, pulling it to either side of us. It wouldn’t hide much, but it seemed to calm him a bit.I held his cock, pressed against my belly for a moment, savouring its warmth, then started to slide my hand up and down the shaft. He let out a moan and half shut his eyes. The moan was loud enough to startle a woman to look up from her book and look at his face over the top of her reading glasses. Little did she know that his cock was out for her to see if she just looked down. This turned me on even more. I wanted to rub myself, for him to rub me, but he was standing rigidly, one hand holding onto a metal pole and the other by his side. The knuckles on the one holding the pole had gone white with the force of his grip. But, suddenly as if reading my mind, he put the arm by his side round behind me, the hand gripping my arse and pulling me hard against him. It was hard for me to masturbate him now, as my arm was trapped between us, but as the train jolted back into motion, our bodies separated enough for me to give his cock a few good tugs. “Oh God!!” He moaned through gritted teeth. Suddenly we were at my station. “Come with me,” I said. And, not waiting for an answer, led him out of the train by his cock – not caring who saw. There were a few startled gasps, so some people definitely did see. Not many people get off at that stop and the platform escort rus gaziantep soon cleared. The train doors slid shut and the train jolted forward a few yards, then stopped again. Faces peered out at us, casually wondering why we were still standing on the platform.I was standing there, holding the guy’s stiff member, whilst he stood there meek and abashed. His cock must have been hidden from view by his jacket tails. I looked down at it. In my usual guise as a man, I had no interest in cocks, but since taking that little pink pill this morning, I seemed to have developed a fascination for them. His penis matched the rest of him: long, straight and fairly good-looking. I was suddenly filled with a craving to suck that cock; to suck and suck until he blew his load in my pretty mouth.I looked wistfully back at all the people just a few yards away from us, locked behind their windows, crammed together in the train; some still idly looking at us. I looked back down to his cock, then up into his handsome face. “Fuck it!” I said, my decision made and I saw the look of panic come back into his eyes.I quickly knelt in front of him, on the smooth concrete floor, pushed back his suit jacket so all on the train could see and took his cock in between my ruby red lips and began to suck. I put a hand on each cheek of his arse and pulled him to me. I heard him let out a high-pitched gasp and make to move away, but I gripped his arse harder and sucked more strongly, beginning to slide my mouth up and down his shaft. I looked up into his face and saw his stricken expression and had to stop myself laughing.I heard muffled commotion from inside the train as people became aware of the show going on in front of them. I took my mouth off his cock and looked at the commuters watching open mouthed. I licked all round my lips, tasting his salty precum. I grinned at the faces and turned back to the job in hand – sliding my mouth over his penis again. I encouraged him to start thrusting with my hands on his arse, then suddenly his hands were behind my head and pulling my head on to him, his cock was filling my mouth, nearly causing me to gag. I looked up at him and his face had transformed: he was no longer embarrassed, but his base a****l instincts had taken over and all his focus was on reaching his climactic goal. Suddenly with a series of even stronger thrusts, I felt his cock swell and it seemed even hotter, then a fountain of salty-sweet, sticky semen hit the back of my throat. I swallowed the first spurt involuntarily, but then kept the next loads in my mouth as he shot them into me with a****listic grunts, his face contorted with pleasure.When his thrusts had finally stopped, trembling, he slipped out of my mouth, I turned my head to our audience and opened my mouth wide to show them all his cum. I then closed my mouth and drank it all down. I opened my mouth to my audience again.Then the funniest thing: they all began applauding! Even the prudish lady with the book gave me a smile and even a thumbs up. My gallant victim helped me to my feet and, in a moment of pure comedy we bowed to our audience, then burst out laughing. I threw my arms round his neck and gave him a big wet kiss, as finally the train began to pull out of the station.”Errr. Wow! Thank you!” He said. “I don’t even know your name…””And I don’t know yours either.” I said. “Let’s leave it like that – it is more exciting.””It’s going to be difficult,” he said worriedly. “I have a fiancée and…””… And you’ve just had an amazing blow job from a very beautiful lady in front of a train-load of people!” I said, laughing. “Let’s just leave it at that, and you’d better hope nobody on that train recognised you!””Thank you.” He said earnestly and smiled handsomely at me. I could hear people arriving on the platform behind me and glanced down. “You’d better put that away!” I admonished him. I reached up and kissed him again. “Goodbye, Mr Stranger. Your cum tasted divine!”I turned on my heel and walked away from him, towards the Way Out sign I put on my sexiest walk for him and hoped he was not being too distracted by the sight of me to remember to put his dick away!to be continued……

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

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