Tales of Lotus Island – Olivia part 1

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Tales of Lotus Island – Olivia part 1Olivia was not the happiest of young ladies having spent her later teenage years at boarding school after her mother disappeared off and divorced her father. Geoffrey, her father having left the army as a senior officer had set up a security consultancy that was very successful. Whilst that paid for a very comfortable life style it also involved her father being away for too long. To be fair to him Geoffrey went out of his way to spend as much time as possible with his daughter but she yearned for more.Olivia was a shy girl who found very few girls amongst her fellow pupils that she wanted to be friends with and even fewer who reciprocated the feeling. What she did excel at was painting and fortunately one of the art teachers went to considerable trouble to both foster her love of art and teach her the practical skills required to paint. Olivia developed her own style that combined impressionism with realism. A particular favourite of hers was to paint a portrait where the main subject was portrayed with great accuracy and attention to detail but the background was pure impressionism.Love of art or not Olivia was lonelier that even she would admit for attending an all-girls school and living in the country she got little chance to meet boys despite her father’s attempts to ensure that she got a chance to meet lads of hew own age. The problem was that frankly none of them impressed her.Mind you the next three weeks should be fun for she had left school in the summer and Dad needed to be abroad somewhere for weeks she knew better than to ask why. Not wanting to leave her alone with only the cleaner as not very inspiring company Geoff arranged for her to have a prolonged tour through Tuscany even better his solution to her being on her own was that he offered for Miss Pierott, Olivia’s art teacher to go along all expenses paid. Of course, Olivia had left after her A levels were complete but yesterday had been the last day of term and they were going to pick up Miss Pierott who actually lived in the school boarding house of which she was House Mistress. They pulled up outside the door and to hers surprise it was flung open and Miss Pierott literally ran out to meet them dressed in a floaty summer dress covered in large red flowers. Olivia was already quite excited but seeing her normally studious teacher looking far close to her own age and hyper with excitement was a surprise as was the exuberant hug that enveloped Olivia the moment she was out the car.“Miss Pierot may I introduce my father Geoffrey Callow”“Good morning Mr Callow and thank you from the bottom of my heart. I could never have afforded this holiday but more important I now have a change to become friends with Olivia rather than be her teacher. Two like minded souls indulging our love of art and I hope you don’t mind, but also Tuscan food and wine.”“My dear Meghan, Olivia is officially an adult I hope that this trip with someone she talks about constantly will open her up to lots of new experiences. Now I know pretty well that your pay whilst adequate is not that generous and also Olivia wardrobe is fine for a school girl but not a wealthy young lady. If I drop you two at Bluewater will the two of you go play and remember you have are flying Club Europe so the luggage allowance is generous. Have you got your credit card Livie”“Of course, Daddy, how much can you spend.”“Don’t worry I have made the people who take me away from you when I wanted to spend my time with you pay big time. You girls enjoy yourselves and bugger the cost.”“That is incredibly generous Mr Callow are you sure? For Olivia I appreciate it but surely not me.”“There is a condition.”“Yes” a note of uncertainty was clear in the teacher’s voice.“You call me Geoffrey of Geoff.”“All right but I have my own condition in response.”“It is”“Livie calls me Meg. I am no longer her teacher and this holiday is two friends going on holiday to enjoy themselves. Would either of you object if I try and push Livie into being a little more adventurous in her dress.”“Push her into being more adventurous in every way. The one criticism I have of my little darling is that she is shy and too bursa escort retiring.”“You are overwhelmingly generous.”“Look Meg, over the last few years you have spent a lot of time to nurture my daughter’s talents way, way beyond your professional duty. As her house tutor you have showed great care and compassion when my parenting skills have fallen short. This trip combines a solution to not failing my daughter again with showing my thanks to somebody who has prevented my only c***d from even greater harm as a result of her parent’s failings.” There was little that could be said in answer to this but both girls had tears in their eyes.Thus, the two girls had a field day wandering around the huge shopping centre calling at all the upmarket shops. It was only as she lay in bed that evening that Olivia realised that she now thought of Meg as a friend not a teacher. Amongst other things they had bought outrageously small bikinis and Meg had admitted that she had never owned something so brief. They had wandered through the lingerie section of one of the big stores.“Do you wear thongs Livy.”“No not even at home even though I know Dad would approve rather than the contrary.”“Me neither, shall we.”“Well when we’re wearing those skirts that barely cover our bums we will need some knickers.”“At other times?” Olivia just smiled evilly as one of her secret rebellions was to go knickerless when there was no chance of being caught.”“Saucy wench, let’s do it.”Olivia was excited about everything and had difficulty getting to sleep. Outside the bedroom she heard a creak from the old floor boards. Slipping out of bed she went to the door that was ajar in case the cat wanted to sleep on her bed. The poor old girl was very elderly and was thus much indulged. Olivia looked through the crack just in time to see Meg slipping into her father’s bedroom wearing one of the very short silk nighties purchased that day.So that is what her father and her teacher sorry ex-teacher had been whispering about when they thought that she couldn’t hear.Shortly a lot of giggling and creaking beds came from the master bedroom. Livie lay back in bed having removed her nighty and proceeded to play with herself, once hand in her crotch the other fondling her breasts. Whilst not the first time she had masturbated this time it was oh so much more pleasurable with the erotic soundtrack. The giggles had given way too much more lusty noises and had they but known it the two women had climaxes almost simultaneously.The next morning and breakfast Olivia asked sweetly if Meghan had slept well.“Oh God she sleeps with her door open to let the cat in.” Meg went bright pink but answered.“Yes, thank you.”The girls had a comfortable flight to Pisa airport and were met outside customs by a charming young Italian who handed them a letter from Geoffrey.“Olivia has passed her driving test both in England and the continent so can drive that makes it sensible for both of you to be insured as drivers. Problem is car hire is still a pain so my solution I bought you a car.”The solution was a bright red Mercedes E class convertible“Your father must have shelled out a lot for the insurance on this, I presume you want to drive.”“Do bears defecate in tree rich environments?” They were going to spend two weeks near Florence and a second two further south. The villa that they had rented was down a track in the countryside about thirty kilometres from Florence chosen for its proximity to a train station since nobody sane wants to drive into central Florence. The villa was lovely with views down to the Arno valley at the front but a very private swimming pool at the back. Art lovers though they were the pool called louder than the renaissance. They both put on their very skimpy bikinis and splashed around in the pool before eating a couple of steaks washed down with Barolo. Somehow in the course of swimming pool antics they had mislaid there tops and never put them back on.“If they could see me at school now they would be shocked. Awful behaviour totally letting the side down. I should probably tell you that your father made it abundantly clear that I was in know way to hold myself responsible for bursa escort bayan your behaviour, so where’s the corkscrew one bottle is definitely not enough.The next day they went into Florence and had a look at the Gates of Paradise, duomo and the Palazzo Vecchio. The Uffizi was pre-booked for Thursday so they ignored the queues there. A look at the Ponte Vecchio and the shops still allowed them to return for mid-afternoon. This time the bikini tops never got on.“Meg do you shave your pubes.”“I trim them but nothing more. Why do you?”“No and I am worried they show under these tiny scraps of fabric.”“Can’t see anything.” Said Meghan glancing across. “Still I am fairly sure we are both barely covered do you want to do something about it.”Livie undid the two bows to remove her bikini bottom and Meg shaved of all the hair before having the same done for her. Of course, that left them both naked and he two girls were looking at each other having found the attention to each other’s fannies very enjoyable.“Are you bi, Meg.”“If you had asked that yesterday I would have said no and you.”“Considering how I feel apparently so am I.” Livie lowered her head down to the older girl’s crutch and licked very delicately.”“I’m not sure this is appropriate”“It isn’t now shut up and let’s enjoy this.” Olivia parted Meghan’s thigh and slid he tongue around the newly shaved area before concentrating on her clit.Turn around so I can do he same for you. They got in a sixty-nine position and very quickly worked out what was oh so very nice. They both had orgasm after orgasm spreading pleasure throughout their entire beings.“Well get sunburnt in some very private places if were not careful let’s go inside and use the comfort of this nice double beds.” Olivia got up and pulled Met up behind her.“I’m not sure a teacher and pupil.”“As you pointed out I am no longer your pupil or you my teacher. Did you ever lust after me at school and plan my seduction?”“No of course not, the very idea.”“Now you sound like a teacher. In that case this wasn’t planned by either of us and we are two consenting adults in private a lot more than a bit of lezzie nooky in private is OK.”Meghan still seemed unsure but gently pushed on the bed in Olivia’s room she soon gave into the various caresses. Olivia had never had much in the way of lovemaking with either sex but she knew what gave her pleasure when she masturbated and proceeded to try it out on Meg. By early evening they had exhausted each other and fell asleep entwined. When they woke it was mid evening.“Let’s find a restaurant I am to lazy to want to cook and I bet you feel the same. They found a pizzeria in a nearby village and had a pleasant meal. Livy wondered if they looked like lovers as they were taking every opportunity to touch each other. Back at the villa Olivia was surprised when Olivia undid the zip of her dress before removing her own.“Let’s not even pretend, your beds bigger.”The next morning, they woke up pretty much together. It is difficult to not wake someone when your entwined with each other. They spent the day visiting various churches that held artistic masterpieces as well as the Villa Medici della Petraia. Having eaten a full lunch, they decided to have bread, cheese and cold meats for supper.As they got everything out to the garden table Meghan made a suggestion. “Let’s eat starkers so we can ogle each other.”This they did with a lot of giggling and some creative use of the spray cream that Meghan had clearly bought for the purpose of mischief. Any element of their former relationship of pupil and teacher as well as the age gap of eight years was gone. They were two young women enjoying friendship, love and sex in equal measure.One night they went out to a local night club and were having a good time. Some of the local lads were showing an interest and neither girl objected to some flirting. Olivia’s partner Marco was quite respectful and Olivia was happy to have a kiss and a bit more before saying no. Once she was quite firm he accepted that she meant what she said. However, Meghan had disappeared with her boy towards one of the exits. Olivia had disliked the other man but Meghan seemed escort bursa reasonably happy. Even so Olivia wanted to be sure she knew where Livy was so going out the same door quietly so as not to disturb her friend if she was enjoying herself. The couple were under a tree across the carpark then Livie heard distinctly “No, no I mean no. Non scendere da me ora.” Olivia rushed over to find her friend being forcibly bent over the bonnet of a car.“Fermati adsso.” Olivia was furious and grabbed the guys arm. He shrugged her off so she grabbed again more forcefully.“Cagna” he let go but then drew a knife. “I will now have both of you.”This was his big mistake Olivia had been given lessons by her father who had a very secretive military career and had not taught his daughter martial arts but something far more practical and brutal.Without a second thought Livy moved quickly to the left before punching the man in the k**neys and then before he could react delivered a blow to his wrist. Already reeling from the punch, the vicious crack to his delicate wrist bones ended up with the knife falling from his grasp. Another short vicious punch and he was down just as Marco came out and ran over.Shit thought Olivia if he joins in then we have a problem.“Polizia, rimani dove sei.” Livie did as he instructed and kept still and calm. They all ended up at the police station. Olivia had a chance to ring her father in case she needed a lawyer but when they arrived it was clear that she was not the one in trouble. A police woman was talking sympathetically to Meghan.Olivia was ushered into the local police chief’s office. Even though he had limited English Olivia’s grasp of Italian was quite reasonable. The chief was on the phone clearly to someone higher up the tree as all he managed to say was si. The chief was a tall man with a deeply lined face that the artist in Olivia found fascinating. “Signora, my thanks and admiration you dealt with that young thug masterfully. I am impressed and I don’t think I want to know how you managed it.”“I am not in trouble then.”“No, no even if we would take it seriously no young hard man is going to admit that he had his wrist broken by a sweet innocent signora. Tommaso is a nasty little cur who is clever enough to get away with a lot but now he has been caught with a knife. I don’t think you need to be involved as young Marco saw him with it. So, unless your friend wants to press charges for sexual assault you need not give evidence. Your father has some important friends.”“So, I am led to believe.” Meghan most certainly did not want to press assault charges the moment she realised her attacker was in deep trouble anyway.The next day Marco and the young police woman drove up to the villa. Tommaso caught bank to rights was pleading guilty in hope of a lighter sentence. “Though he is not going to be lucky in that as the judge will be before is my great uncle and whilst no official notice of the sexual attack will be made since you chose not to pursue that charge Uncle Pietro knows all about it and will be harsh as he reasonably can.” Said the female officer who was called Maria.The rest of their holiday was in southern Tuscany and proved un-eventful Visiting ancient cities filled with beautiful art sometimes in the most unexpected places. They also became more and more comfortable with their physical relationship. Olivia who had been fascinated by the police captains rugged face and so painted a portrait of him from memory with a background of the Italian flag that had been displayed behind his desk. Since they had to return to Pisa to catch the flight back to England they were able to call in at the police station with only a minor detour. The capitano was delighted with the present and insisted on them staying with his family for dinner. If the chief was pleased, his wife was totally delighted and before they left that evening saw the painting hung in pride of place in the living room.When they got back to England they decided that whilst they did not want give up their relationship they were going to be very discreet as neither wanted to come out as yet. Fortunately, Geoffrey’s interest in Meg meant that invitations for her to spend time with them were frequent during the summer holiday.It was a very satisfied if tired teacher that returned to her duties having had the attentions of both father and daughter even if juggling her time was interesting.

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